On a fresh install of Ubuntu 15.04, and after doing a
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
Install VirtualBox and Vagrant:
sudo apt-get install virtualbox
sudo apt-get install vagrant
Install the homestead box:
vagrant box add laravel/homestead
(option 1, virtualbox)
Install git:
sudo apt-get install git
Get Homestead:
git clone https://github.com/laravel/homestead.git Homestead
Go into the Homestead directory and create the Homestead configuration file:
cd Homestead
bash init.sh
Go to this directory
cd ~/.homestead
Where you find the homestead.yaml configuration file.
Create a key
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "you@homestead"
enter 3 times (keep default location)
Change the key location in the homestead.yaml file in the authorize section (/home/xxx/.ssh/id_rsa.pub) + the keys section (/home/xxx/.ssh/id_rsa)
Create Code folder in your home folder /home/xxx:
cd ~
mkdir Code
Go into the Homestead directory in your home folder:
cd ~/Homestead
vagrant up
Change hosts so you can surf to your Homestead box:
sudo nano /etc/hosts
Add the line homestead.app
Go into the vagrant box
vagrant ssh
cd into the Code directory
cd Code
And download laravel in the default folder:
composer create-project laravel/laravel Laravel --prefer-dist
Now you can surf to http://homestead.app and it should show you 'Laravel 5'.
Tools, tips and tricks to do what you do - only better, faster, more efficiently. Or at least more fun.
Moving from MediaWiki to SharePoint O365 - part 6
Now that we have our scripts in place to emulate MediaWiki functionalities, copied over the images and files, and prepared html-pages for all our relevant articles, we can send the pages to SharePoint.
With this script, you prepare the articles one by one, create files for it, and call a PowerShell script which does the actual uploading (see below). Don't forget to update the rootPath to whatever you're using.
Now for the PowerShell script. Put it in a subdirectory powershell in the articles directory. Don't forget to change the siteURL, your username and your password on line 78. And of course the script directory on line 4.
You'll notice the script is calling a dll. You actually need a bunch of them. Create a subdirectory dll in your powershell folder, and put these dlls there: client.dll, microsoft.office.client.policy.dll, microsoft.office.sharepoint.tools.dll, microsoft.sharepoint.client.dll, microsoft.sharepoint.client.publishing.dll, microsoft.sharepoint.client.publishing.silverlight.dll, microsoft.sharepoint.client.runtime.dll, microsoft.sharepoint.client.silverlight.dll, microsoft.sharepoint.client.silverlight.runtime.dll, microsoft.sharepoint.client.taxonomy.dll, microsoft.sharepoint.client.taxonomy.silverlight.dll, microsoft.sharepoint.client.userprofiles.dll, microsoft.sharepoint.client.userprofiles.phone.dll, microsoft.sharepoint.client.userprofiles.silverlight.dll, microsoft.sharepoint.dll. I'm not sure if they're all needed, but hey, this bunch made it work for me. I'll upload a zip of them somewhere later, if somebody needs them and can't find them anywhere else.
With this script, you prepare the articles one by one, create files for it, and call a PowerShell script which does the actual uploading (see below). Don't forget to update the rootPath to whatever you're using.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 | <?php ini_set('display_errors', 1); $rootPath = "C:/workspace/PortableSoft/UniServerZ/www/wikimigration/articles/"; //get files from $files = scandir($rootPath.'articlesToSend'); $i = 0; $filename = ""; //check if there are files to process if(sizeof($files)>2){ $filename = $files[$i]; //skip the "this" and "one up" files while(($filename == "." or $filename == "..") and $i < sizeof($files)){ $i++; $filename = $files[$i]; } //get the contents of the file, split out title and content $page = file_get_contents($rootPath."articlesToSend/$filename"); //$title = substr($page,strlen("<h1>"),strpos($page,"</h1>")-strlen("<h1>")); //$content = substr($page, strlen($title)+strlen("<h1></h1>")); $title = substr($filename,0,strlen($filename)-5); $content = $page; //write data to files if(file_put_contents($rootPath."powershell/pageName.txt", $title) === false) echo "issue writing title to file<br>"; if(file_put_contents($rootPath."powershell/pageContent.txt", $content) === false) echo "issue writing contents to file<br>"; //call the powershell script to upload the article to SharePoint $command = 'powershell "'.$rootPath.'powershell/JV.ps1"'; $output = shell_exec($command); //show the output produced by powershell echo "<div><pre>$output</pre></div>"; //move the file from articlesToSend to articlesSent if(rename($rootPath."articlesToSend/$filename",$rootPath."articlesSent/$filename") === false){ //if unsuccessfull: give feedback echo "<div>issue moving $filename to articlesSent</div>"; } else{ //if successfull: continue with next file echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3;URL=http://localhost:8080/wikimigration/articles/uploadToSharepoint.php" />'; echo "<div>file $filename sent and moved to 'articlesSent'</div>"; } } else { echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3;URL=http://localhost:8080/wikimigration/articles/uploadToSharepoint.php" />'; echo "no files present"; } ?> |
Now for the PowerShell script. Put it in a subdirectory powershell in the articles directory. Don't forget to change the siteURL, your username and your password on line 78. And of course the script directory on line 4.
You'll notice the script is calling a dll. You actually need a bunch of them. Create a subdirectory dll in your powershell folder, and put these dlls there: client.dll, microsoft.office.client.policy.dll, microsoft.office.sharepoint.tools.dll, microsoft.sharepoint.client.dll, microsoft.sharepoint.client.publishing.dll, microsoft.sharepoint.client.publishing.silverlight.dll, microsoft.sharepoint.client.runtime.dll, microsoft.sharepoint.client.silverlight.dll, microsoft.sharepoint.client.silverlight.runtime.dll, microsoft.sharepoint.client.taxonomy.dll, microsoft.sharepoint.client.taxonomy.silverlight.dll, microsoft.sharepoint.client.userprofiles.dll, microsoft.sharepoint.client.userprofiles.phone.dll, microsoft.sharepoint.client.userprofiles.silverlight.dll, microsoft.sharepoint.dll. I'm not sure if they're all needed, but hey, this bunch made it work for me. I'll upload a zip of them somewhere later, if somebody needs them and can't find them anywhere else.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 | # global vars $clientContext $rootSiteUrl $scriptdir = "C:\workspace\PortableSoft\UniServerZ\www\wikimigration\articles\powershell" function Initialize-SPPS { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)] [string]$siteURL, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=2)] [bool]$online, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=3)] [string]$username, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=4)] [string]$password ) Write-Host "Loading the CSOM library" -foregroundcolor black -backgroundcolor yellow [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom("$scriptdir\dll\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.dll") Write-Host "Succesfully loaded the CSOM library" -foregroundcolor black -backgroundcolor green Write-Host "Create client context for site $siteUrl" -foregroundcolor black -backgroundcolor yellow $context = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext($siteURL) $context.RequestTimeOut = 1000 * 60 * 10; if ($online) { Write-Host "Setting SharePoint Online credentials" -foregroundcolor black -backgroundcolor yellow $context.AuthenticationMode = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientAuthenticationMode]::Default $securePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $password -AsPlainText -Force $credentials = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.SharePointOnlineCredentials($username, $securePassword) $context.Credentials = $credentials } Write-Host "Check connection" -foregroundcolor black -backgroundcolor yellow $web = $context.Web $site = $context.Site $context.Load($web) $context.Load($site) $context.ExecuteQuery() Set-Variable -Name "clientContext" -Value $context -Scope Global Set-Variable -Name "rootSiteUrl" -Value $siteURL -Scope Global Write-Host "Succesfully connected" -foregroundcolor black -backgroundcolor green } Function Create-WikiPage([Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext]$Context,[string]$WikiLibraryTitle,[string]$PageName,[string]$PageContent) { $wikiLibrary = $Context.Web.Lists.GetByTitle($wikiLibraryTitle) $Context.Load($wikiLibrary.RootFolder) $Context.ExecuteQuery() $wikiPageInfo = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Utilities.WikiPageCreationInformation $wikiPageInfo.WikiHtmlContent = $PageContent $wikiPageInfo.ServerRelativeUrl = [String]::Format("{0}/{1}", $wikiLibrary.RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl, $PageName) $wikiFile = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Utilities.Utility]::CreateWikiPageInContextWeb($Context, $wikiPageInfo) $context.ExecuteQuery() } # get files for variables # get file for pagename $pageName = [IO.File]::ReadAllText("$scriptdir\pageName.txt") # get file for page contents $pageContent = [IO.File]::ReadAllText("$scriptdir\pageContent.txt") # connect Initialize-SPPS -siteURL "https://xxxxx.sharepoint.com/sites/yyyyy/" -online $true -username "user@domain.com" -password "yourPass" # put page $fullPageName = "$pageName.aspx" Write-Host "Adding page" -foregroundcolor black -backgroundcolor yellow Create-WikiPage -Context $clientContext -WikiLibraryTitle "Site Pages" -PageName $fullPageName -PageContent $pageContent Write-Host "New page added" -foregroundcolor black -backgroundcolor green $clientContext.Dispose() |
Moving from MediaWiki to SharePoint O365 - doRegularPages.php
This script will process the individual html files created from a MediaWiki xml dump by this script to final output files to be uploaded to SharePoint (except for templates, which remains a manual work).
Make sure you've created the folders as explained here, update the URL of your MediaWiki installation on line 5, the URL of your SharePoint site on line 7 and the path of your project directory on line 8.
Make sure you've created the folders as explained here, update the URL of your MediaWiki installation on line 5, the URL of your SharePoint site on line 7 and the path of your project directory on line 8.
Moving from MediaWiki to SharePoint O365 - extractPages.php
This is the source code of the extractPages-script, which will create individual html files for all the articles contained in an XML dump from MediaWiki.
Don't forget to update the rootPath on line 2 and the yourSite MediaWiki namespaces on lines 49 - 51.
Don't forget to update the rootPath on line 2 and the yourSite MediaWiki namespaces on lines 49 - 51.
Moving from MediaWiki to SharePoint O365 - part 5
So we've pimped SharePoint O365 with some javascripts and copied all files and images from our MediaWiki to certain libraries in SharePoint. What remains is getting the textual content there. To do this, we're going to combine the formatted (HTML) content, which we rip from our local MediaWiki website using PHP with cURL, and the unformatted wiki-syntax content which we get from an xml-dump.
Moving from MediaWiki to SharePoint O365 - filePathFlattener.php
This is the source code of the filePathFlattener-script, which will move all files from the images folder-structure of a MediaWiki installation to two folders: one for all the images, and one for all the other files.
It requires there to be an images folder, a filesFlat folder and an imagesFlat folder. You of course also need to update the rootPath on line 4.
It requires there to be an images folder, a filesFlat folder and an imagesFlat folder. You of course also need to update the rootPath on line 4.
Moving from MediaWiki to SharePoint O365 - part 4
Having our scripts in place to emulate some of the MediaWiki functionality and knowing how to use it, we can now finally turn our attention to the actual migration of content. Content comes in two forms: text, as inputted in MediaWiki, and attachments. The attachments can be documents (docx, xslx, pdf, ...) which are available for download, or they can be images (png, jpg, gif, ...) which are displayed in the articles themselves.
In this post, let's focus our attention on the attachments.
In this post, let's focus our attention on the attachments.
Moving from MediaWiki to SharePoint O365 - part 3
Now that you have the scripts in place, how do you make use of them?
This one is simple. Write #REDIRECT[[pagename]] like you're used to doing it in MediaWiki. Just take care that you write it exactly as I did: in uppercase, without a space between # and REDIRECT or between REDIRECT and [[. My script is not dummy-proofed like MediaWiki is.
Math and source code
As we're making use of third party scripts (MathJax and SyntaxHighlighter), you should refer to the corresponding websites for documentation. In short, you can do the following:
Moving from MediaWiki to SharePoint O365 - part 2
After getting our tools set up and acquainting ourselves with SharePoint O365, lets take a step back and think for a moment. The objective is to migrate all wiki content from MediaWiki to SharePoint O365. We can get to our content in MediaWiki, i.e. the raw content as the user types it in, or if need be the HTML-content produced by MediaWiki (using PHP with cURL). And I've got a way to upload HTML-content into pages in SharePoint. So this doesn't sound like such a challenge after all?
MediaWiki has a lot of user friendly formatting syntax. Like * for bulleted and # for numbered lists. Like ==heading==. Like [[some other article]]. Or how about [some external link]. And don't forget the [[Image:something|thumb|right]]. And then there's categories. And templates. And wikitables. And if you've had a bit of fun with the extensions, there's code highlighting. And math. And lots of other stuff.
SharePoint has HTML and an editor.
MediaWiki has a lot of user friendly formatting syntax. Like * for bulleted and # for numbered lists. Like ==heading==. Like [[some other article]]. Or how about [some external link]. And don't forget the [[Image:something|thumb|right]]. And then there's categories. And templates. And wikitables. And if you've had a bit of fun with the extensions, there's code highlighting. And math. And lots of other stuff.
SharePoint has HTML and an editor.
Moving from MediaWiki to SharePoint O365 - templateCaller.js
This is the source code of the templateCaller script, which, as mentioned, does more than replacing templates by now.
To work, it requires to be placed in your SiteAssets/JayVee folder (create the JayVee folder), where there should also be jquery.min.js and the folders MathJax and SyntaxHighlighter with the corresponding scripts inside. Your seattle.master should be updated to load the jquery script (first) and this script (second) as explained here.
You of course need to change the vars sharePointRootURL (line 15) and sharePointSiteRootURL (line 16) to match the URLs of your site.
If there are errors in it, or things that can be done better, please let me know in the comments so I can improve it! I am not at all fluent in javascript / jQuery, nor will I pretend to be.
To work, it requires to be placed in your SiteAssets/JayVee folder (create the JayVee folder), where there should also be jquery.min.js and the folders MathJax and SyntaxHighlighter with the corresponding scripts inside. Your seattle.master should be updated to load the jquery script (first) and this script (second) as explained here.
You of course need to change the vars sharePointRootURL (line 15) and sharePointSiteRootURL (line 16) to match the URLs of your site.
If there are errors in it, or things that can be done better, please let me know in the comments so I can improve it! I am not at all fluent in javascript / jQuery, nor will I pretend to be.
Moving from MediaWiki to SharePoint O365 - part 1
Some clever person at Microsoft understood the wiki hype and decided to call some component of their SharePoint platform 'wiki', never mind if it really is one or has some of the much-used functionalities of such things. They knew management would fall for it. And in my case (and yours apparently), they did. It's just another wiki right?
From the articles I've written before, you know I'm a fan of good software being used for what it's meant to do. Like MediaWiki for wikis. So if you've ended up on this page because you're being forced to move away from MediaWiki instead of towards it, let me tell you: I feel your pain. I understand your frustration. If you've never worked with SharePoint before, I understand the frustration you're about to have.
But let's not mix these feelings with the work that needs to be done. So here's some empty space where you're allowed to feel sorry for yourself:
... and done.
Now we get to work.
From the articles I've written before, you know I'm a fan of good software being used for what it's meant to do. Like MediaWiki for wikis. So if you've ended up on this page because you're being forced to move away from MediaWiki instead of towards it, let me tell you: I feel your pain. I understand your frustration. If you've never worked with SharePoint before, I understand the frustration you're about to have.
But let's not mix these feelings with the work that needs to be done. So here's some empty space where you're allowed to feel sorry for yourself:
... and done.
Now we get to work.
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