To work, it requires to be placed in your SiteAssets/JayVee folder (create the JayVee folder), where there should also be jquery.min.js and the folders MathJax and SyntaxHighlighter with the corresponding scripts inside. Your seattle.master should be updated to load the jquery script (first) and this script (second) as explained here.
You of course need to change the vars sharePointRootURL (line 15) and sharePointSiteRootURL (line 16) to match the URLs of your site.
If there are errors in it, or things that can be done better, please let me know in the comments so I can improve it! I am not at all fluent in javascript / jQuery, nor will I pretend to be.
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It scans the article content for template code * and calls the template accordingly. * The script, and the jQuery script upon which it depends, are loaded by every page (they've been added * to the seattle.master masterpage). */ /****** * This code starts as soon as it is loaded */ /* * Global variables */ var sharePointRootURL = ""; var sharePointSiteRootURL = ""; /* * Additional jQuery function to check if element is available */ (function ($) { $.fn.waitUntilExists = function (handler, shouldRunHandlerOnce, isChild) { var found = 'found'; var $this = $(this.selector); var $elements = $this.not(function () { return $(this).data(found); }).each(handler).data(found, true); if (!isChild) { (window.waitUntilExists_Intervals = window.waitUntilExists_Intervals || {})[this.selector] = window.setInterval(function () { $this.waitUntilExists(handler, shouldRunHandlerOnce, true); }, 500) ; } else if (shouldRunHandlerOnce && $elements.length) { window.clearInterval(window.waitUntilExists_Intervals[this.selector]); } return $this; }; }(jQuery)); /* * We wait until the element which holds the actual article content has become available. * We check that we're not in edit mode, because any changes made to the content while in edit mode * would be in danger of being stored, so making the change hardcoded, which we don't want. */ $('#ctl00_PlaceHolderMain_WikiField').waitUntilExists(function(){ if(notEditMode()){ redirect(); replaceTemplates(); replaceMath(); highlightCode(); } }); /****** * These are the supporting functions called upon */ /* * Checks whether a certain element exists to determine if we're in edit mode. * There is rumored to be a way to check this using SP.Ribbon, but none of the examples worked for me, * hence this "ugly" hack. */ function notEditMode(){ return (document.getElementById('ctl00_PlaceHolderMain_WikiField_ctl00_ctl00_TextField_inplacerte_layoutsTable')==null); } /* * Checks for #REDIRECT[[pagename]] and redirects accordingly. * It does this by replacing the #REDIRECT[[pagename]] with a notification and a javascript which * redirects the user after 2.5 seconds. The delay is necessary to be able to go into edit mode * to change the redirect if desired. */ function redirect(){ //get actual wiki content out of the page var articleContent = document.getElementById('ctl00_PlaceHolderMain_WikiField').innerHTML; //detect redirect call in the content if(articleContent.indexOf('#REDIRECT')>-1){ var redirectStart = articleContent.indexOf('#REDIRECT'); var redirectLinkStart = articleContent.indexOf('href="',redirectStart) + 'href="'.length; var redirectLinkEnd = articleContent.indexOf('"',redirectLinkStart); var redirectEnd = articleContent.indexOf('</a>',redirectLinkEnd); var redirectLink = articleContent.substr(redirectLinkStart,redirectLinkEnd-redirectLinkStart); var fullLink = sharePointRootURL+redirectLink; var lastSlashPosition = 0; while(fullLink.indexOf('/',lastSlashPosition)>-1){ lastSlashPosition = fullLink.indexOf('/',lastSlashPosition)+1; } var articleTitle = fullLink.substr(lastSlashPosition,fullLink.length-5-(lastSlashPosition)); var newArticleContent = articleContent.substr(0,redirectStart); newArticleContent+='This page redirects to <a href="'+fullLink+'">'+articleTitle+'</a>.<script type="text/javascript">setTimeout(function(){window.location="'; newArticleContent+= fullLink; newArticleContent+= '";},2500);</script>'; newArticleContent+= articleContent.substr(redirectEnd+4); $("#ctl00_PlaceHolderMain_WikiField").html(newArticleContent); } } /* * This function does the actual template replacement. */ function replaceTemplates(){ //define variables var variablesArray = []; var templateCounter=0; //get actual wiki content out of the page var articleContent = document.getElementById('ctl00_PlaceHolderMain_WikiField').innerHTML; //strip out {noinclude} tags as these should not be visible while(articleContent.indexOf('{noinclude}')>-1) articleContent = articleContent.replace('{noinclude}',''); while(articleContent.indexOf('{/noinclude')>-1) articleContent = articleContent.substr(0,articleContent.indexOf('{/noinclude')) + articleContent.substr(articleContent.indexOf('}',articleContent.indexOf('{/noinclude'))+1); //detect template calls in the content var articlePosition=0; while(articleContent.indexOf('{{',articlePosition)>-1){ //get template content var templateStartPosition = articleContent.indexOf('{{'); var templateEndPosition = articleContent.indexOf('}}',templateStartPosition)+2; var templateContent = articleContent.substr(templateStartPosition, templateEndPosition - templateStartPosition); //if on a template page, don't interpret variable placeholders as template calls var tripleBraces = articleContent.substr(templateStartPosition,3); if(tripleBraces == "{{{"){ articlePosition += 3; continue; } templateCounter++; //clean up, get relevant content templateContent = cleanUpTemplate(templateContent); //split into name and variables (=parameters) var variables = getUrlAndVarsFromTemplateContent(templateContent,templateCounter); //put placeholder in html, the specific div-id will be used later on to fill the correct content var newArticleContent = articleContent.substr(0,templateStartPosition); newArticleContent += '<div id="template-'+templateCounter+'" style="display:inline;"><img src="'+sharePointRootURL+'/_layouts/15/images/loadingcirclests16.gif"></div>'; articlePosition = newArticleContent.length; newArticleContent += articleContent.substr(templateEndPosition); articleContent = newArticleContent; //store information for later loading variablesArray[templateCounter] = variables; } //replace current contents with updated contents (= all templates) $("#ctl00_PlaceHolderMain_WikiField").html(articleContent); //replace contents of placeholder-<div>s with fetched content for (var index = 1; index <= templateCounter; index++) getTemplate(variablesArray[index]); } /* * Removes all xml tags from the template calling code (given as a string input). * What remains is {{templateName|var1=some value|var2=some other value...}} without * breaks (<br>), divs (<div>) or other xml elements. * * Returns the cleaned content as a string. */ function cleanUpTemplate(templateContent){ while(templateContent.indexOf('<')>-1){ var ltPosition = templateContent.indexOf('<'); var gtPosition = templateContent.indexOf('>'); var newTemplateContent = templateContent.substring(0,ltPosition); newTemplateContent += templateContent.substring(gtPosition+1); templateContent = newTemplateContent; } return templateContent; } /* * Extracts the string containing the template into its useful elements: * - the template name * - the template variables (names & values) * * Input: * [String] templateContent, a string containing one template call (i.e. starts with {{ and ends with }}) * [int] templateCounter, a number indicating the rank of the template on the wiki page * * Output: * [Array] variables as variables['variableName'] = variableValue * In addition to the template variables, the following variables are always defined: * - templateNumber (=templateCounter from the input) * - templateName * - templatePageName (= templateName prefixed with 'template_') */ function getUrlAndVarsFromTemplateContent(templateContent,templateCounter){ var templatePageName; var variables = []; var pipePosition = templateContent.indexOf('|'); var lastPipePosition = templateContent.lastIndexOf('|'); var templateEndPosition = templateContent.indexOf('}}'); var templateName; if(pipePosition == -1){ //contains no variables, just the template name templateName = templateContent.substr(2,templateEndPosition-2).trim(); templatePageName = "template_"+templateName; } else{ //get name templateName = templateContent.substr(2,pipePosition-2).trim(); templatePageName = "template_"+templateName; //get all variables var variableCounter=0; while(pipePosition <= lastPipePosition){ variableCounter++; //extract variable string var nextPipePosition; if(pipePosition == lastPipePosition) nextPipePosition = templateContent.indexOf('}}',pipePosition+1); else nextPipePosition = templateContent.indexOf('|',pipePosition+1); var variableContent = templateContent.substr(pipePosition+1,nextPipePosition-(pipePosition+1)); //split variable string into variable name and value var eqPosition = variableContent.indexOf('='); if(eqPosition == -1) variables[variableCounter.toString()] = variableContent; else{ var variableName = variableContent.substr(0,eqPosition).trim(); var variableValue = variableContent.substr(eqPosition+1).trim(); //store variables - note that each variable is stored once under its name and once under its rank variables[variableName] = variableValue; variables[variableCounter.toString()] = variableValue; } pipePosition = nextPipePosition; } } //these variables are defined for every template variables['templateNumber'] = templateCounter; variables['templateName'] = templateName; variables['templatePageName'] = templatePageName; return variables; } /* * Replaces the placeholder content for a template with the actual template content. * Warning: the code in this function is asynchronous! * * Input: * [Array] variables: an array of the form: variables['variableName'] = variableValue * * Output: * None */ function getTemplate(variables){ //get the template page (assuming its template_name.aspx) $.ajax({ url: sharePointSiteRootURL+'/SitePages/'+variables['templatePageName']+'.aspx', dataType: "html", success: function (data) { //when the content has come in (asynchronously!), it is available in the variable 'data' processReceivedTemplateData(data, variables); }, //if that didn't work, assume you're calling a page by name (name.aspx) error: function () { $.ajax({ url: sharePointSiteRootURL+'/SitePages/'+variables['templateName']+'.aspx', dataType: "html", success: function (data) { //when the content has come in (asynchronously!), it is available in the variable 'data' processReceivedTemplateData(data, variables); }, error: function(){ //set error message newTemplateContent = 'Template '+variables['templateName']+' not found. Does this template exist yet?<br>'; //do processing on this content runTemplateScript(variables, newTemplateContent); } }); } }); } /* * Finds the actual article content from the fetched data, strips out the {noinclude} content, and * inserts the parameters with which the template was called. * * Input: * [String] data, being the full html of the template page (as fetched through an ajax call) * [Array] variables, an array of the form: variables['variableName'] = variableValue * * Output: * None, but the call to runTemplateScript will cause the content currently on the calling page to be * replaced by the template content. */ function processReceivedTemplateData(data, variables){ //extract the content-part of the page var templateContentStart = data.indexOf('<div id="ctl00_PlaceHolderMain_WikiField">'); templateContentStart = data.indexOf('ms-rte-layoutszone-inner',templateContentStart); templateContentStart = data.indexOf('>',templateContentStart); var openDivs = 0; var lastDiv = templateContentStart; while(openDivs > -1){ var nextOpenDiv = data.indexOf('<div',lastDiv+1); var nextCloseDiv = data.indexOf('</div',lastDiv+1); if((nextOpenDiv < nextCloseDiv && nextOpenDiv > -1) || nextCloseDiv == -1){ openDivs++; lastDiv = nextOpenDiv; } else if((nextCloseDiv < nextOpenDiv && nextCloseDiv > -1) || nextOpenDiv == -1){ openDivs--; lastDiv = nextCloseDiv; } } var newTemplateContent = data.substr(templateContentStart+1, lastDiv-(templateContentStart+1)); //decode html escaped characters newTemplateContent = $('<textarea/>').html(newTemplateContent).text(); //strip out all content between <noinclude>...</noinclude> tag pairs while(newTemplateContent.indexOf('{noinclude}') > -1){ var noIncludeStart = newTemplateContent.indexOf('{noinclude}'); var noIncludeEnd = newTemplateContent.indexOf('{/noinclude}',noIncludeStart); var strippedContent = newTemplateContent.substr(0,noIncludeStart); if(noIncludeEnd == -1){ newTemplateContent = strippedContent; } else{ noIncludeEnd+='{/noinclude}'.length; newTemplateContent = strippedContent + newTemplateContent.substr(noIncludeEnd); } } //do processing on the remaining content runTemplateScript(variables, newTemplateContent); } /* * Includes the template-specific script and calls the template-specific methods as well as the generic processing. * * Input: * [String] templateName: the name of the template, e.g. 'aaa' when the template page is 'template_aaa' * [Array] variables: an array of the form: variables['variableName'] = variableValue * * Output: * none */ function runTemplateScript(variables, newTemplateContent) { $.ajax({ url: sharePointSiteRootURL+"/Shared%20Documents/"+variables['templatePageName']+".js", dataType: "script", success: function () { // call template-specific preprocessing method in loaded script newTemplateContent = eval(variables['templatePageName']+"_preprocessor")(newTemplateContent, variables); // replace the variables into the template content (= standard processing) newTemplateContent = replace_variables(newTemplateContent, variables); // call template-specific postprocessing method in loaded script newTemplateContent = eval(variables['templatePageName']+"_postprocessor")(newTemplateContent, variables); //replace the template content into the placeholder document.getElementById('template-'+variables['templateNumber']).innerHTML = newTemplateContent; }, error: function () { // replace the variables into the template content (= standard processing) newTemplateContent = replace_variables(newTemplateContent, variables); //replace the template content into the placeholder document.getElementById('template-'+variables['templateNumber']).innerHTML = newTemplateContent; } }); } /* * Replaces the variables in templateContent, assuming they're written as {{{variableName}}} or * {{{variableName|defaultValue}}}, with the variables given. * * Input: * [String] templateContent: containing the {{{variablesToBeFilledIn}}} * [Array] variables: an array of the form variables['variableName'] = variableValue * * Output: * [String] being templateContent with the variables inserted */ function replace_variables(templateContent, variables){ //for all variables found (ie {{{...}}}) while(templateContent.indexOf('{{{') > -1){ //cut out the variable var variableStartPos = templateContent.indexOf('{{{')+3; var variableEndPos = templateContent.indexOf('}}}',variableStartPos); var variablePipePos = templateContent.indexOf('|',variableStartPos); var variableName; var variableValue; var variableDefaultValue; //check if there is a default value, if not, assign the name as default value if(variablePipePos < variableEndPos && variablePipePos > -1){ variableName = templateContent.substr(variableStartPos, variablePipePos-variableStartPos); variableDefaultValue = templateContent.substr(variablePipePos+1, variableEndPos-(variablePipePos+1)); } else{ variableName = templateContent.substr(variableStartPos, variableEndPos-variableStartPos); variableDefaultValue = variableName; } //if the value is not given, use the default value if(variables[variableName] === undefined) variableValue = variableDefaultValue; else variableValue = variables[variableName]; //replace the variable with its value var newTemplateContent = templateContent.substr(0,variableStartPos-3); newTemplateContent += variableValue; newTemplateContent += templateContent.substr(templateContent.indexOf('}}}')+3); templateContent = newTemplateContent; } return templateContent; } /* * Adds the MathJax script to the page. It will replace math code. */ function replaceMath(){ (function () { var script = document.createElement("script"); script.type = "text/javascript"; script.src = sharePointSiteRootURL+"/SiteAssets/JayVee/MathJax/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML"; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(script); })(); } /* * Activates the SyntaxHighlighter script. It will replace source code. */ function highlightCode(){ SyntaxHighlighter.highlight(); } |
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